
Slovakian Combs(s) Over

Slovakian Combs(s) Over
Adventures of the Combs

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I finally wrote the letter... resign from my current teaching position. Such mixed emotions I have about it. The best part about it is that I know I'll get more time with this little guy:
My Mama heart is full knowing that I'll get to be a part of his life more. God will carry us through financially and I will still remain in the classroom by being a substitute teacher. Unless God provides something else for me. 
I am so thankful for our little family. 
Now to finishing the school year strongly, hubby transitioning to his new position, and I transitioning more into a stay at home Mama. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

I want to be a stay at home Mama...

... Every day as the end of the school year comes closer (May 22nd), I am closer on wanting to just say I am not returning next year. I'm really trying to pray through what the best decision would be for the one more year that we are here in America. My heart continues to break on the weekends when I only have two days with the little man and I always have a million other things to do, including spend time with my hubby. I feel that weekdays are tough because I'm gone all day and get only a few hours with little man and then when he is in bed, even less time with my hubby before I need to get to sleep so I'm rested for the next day... Why can't this decision be so easily made?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Weekend

So it's been awhile since I've blogged and it's probably because I've been busy looking at Pinterest for some project. (Extend the pavers to make a larger patio, build a baby gate, challboard/magnetize a wall for little man) I have a few things I want to do but need the money or more time to do it. *sigh* I wish that I could just stop working, we have all the money in the world, and life would be easier...ha, yeah right, like that is going to happen. 
For the past weeks I've realized that I haven't been spending time with my Heavenly Father. Why is that? I've let my life just keep busy and probably the fact that the AZMERIT is controlling my work life. In three weeks, I can return to normal teaching and think of May 22, the last day of this school year. What a great weekend to realize that I need more quiet time with my Heavenly Father. 
It is 5:15am and I'm once again sitting in little man's room typing away and listening to his talk. It just melts my heart away. Even if yesterday he hardly napped and didn't allow me to have lunch with Monica and her daughter. But he did do this:
He has discovered his feet and rolled over in his crib. 
Why must time go by so quickly?!?!
Look what my garden has produced!! I was very excited for this and now I just need to include it in a meal somehow.