
Slovakian Combs(s) Over

Slovakian Combs(s) Over
Adventures of the Combs

Sunday, February 7, 2016

One step closer...

This weekend is International Weekend at our church and our global outreach director thought it would be a great time for us to be commissioned into the field. We aren't leaving until the summer but this made things so much more real. We are leaving. 
We still have a quite a ways to go with support raising and getting our house ready to be on the market. But, in the meantime we are balancing working, raising our very active son, and talking with lots and lots of people. 
We are trusting in God in all of this because we can only be sent when He thinks we are ready. 
Prayer Request:
- That we can raise the funds to support us monthly. 
- We get the house ready
- Continue to understand how to raise our little man